Automation Ghost


Control your SmartHome. Desktop Interface for Windows

Available for Windows

Profiles & Triggers

Create Profiles that run triggers based on native desktop events

Interactive Ghost
Script Ghost


Run custom scripts to interact with third party services like HomeAssistant or n8n

Programming Languages


Pick your favourite programming languages. Combine their individual strengths.

Hotkeys & Voice

ScriptFlows let you combine popular programming languages such as Javascript, Python, PHP, C# as well as Powershell or Bashscripts. AI Helpers can generate complete scripts for you and make adjustments. Take less time to setup automations! Add interactive windows to control the flow of data. Achieve ultimate flexibility by combining human interaction with automation.

Docker Ghost


ScriptFlows let you combine popular programming languages such as Javascript, Python, PHP, C# as well as Powershell or Bashscripts. AI Helpers can generate complete scripts for you and make adjustments. Take less time to setup automations! Add interactive windows to control the flow of data. Achieve ultimate flexibility by combining human interaction with automation.

Your Smarthome Interface


Combine Scriptflows, Profiles, Docker, and Dashboards to streamline and automate your smart home workflows. AI-powered tools ensure seamless integrations and flexibility, making your system intuitive, responsive, and efficient.

Beta Ghost

Sign Up For Beta Version

Claim a free standard version as reward! Limited time only!

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Pay once, use forever!

No monthly subscription. No limits.


Explore all features so you can decide for yearly or lifetime upgrade


not included in trial:
✘ Deployment Templates
✘ Templates
✘ Variables, Tables



AI workflow automation for professionals and enthusiast

Additional:✔ Factories✔ AI Agents✔ Docker✔ AI Apps
Can I upgrade from standard to pro ?

Yes. If you purchase standard. You will have an upgrade option for pro in your account.

Do I need a OpenAI or other third party Api key ?

No. It is not required. You can also go entirely with local LLM or entirely without AI assistance.

Does the single purchase include updates ?

Yes. If you have purchased standard or pro, you will receive future updates. AutomationGHost relies on your support to ensure ongoing development.

Can I use the app without being Signed in ?

For the 14 day free trial, users are required to sign in initially to use the app. With a confirmed purchase you can sign out and continue using the app forever.

Why should I sign up for the beta ?

You can use all standard and pro features for free until the beta ends.

FAQ Illustration

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